Saturday, December 2, 2006

A Goal, An Adventure, Another Country...

So I have a goal in mind for my future. If you know me, you know my opinion on goals -- basically that anything is doable. It's just a matter of your perception and mindset. That said, I have this goal...Goal, is more like it. And to achieve this Goal it has become apparent to me that I need to gain some very important Life experience first. Thus I am on my way to Taiwan. What?!?! Yes, dear reader, I am going to Taiwan and will be there for a year teaching all those cute little Taiwanese kids English.

My feelings on this? Well, to be honest, I'm a little scared out of my pants! On the flip-side of the coin, I'm thrilled and delighted! I've never done anything like this before. I've had plenty of opportunities, but for one reason or another let them pass me by. This is an experience of a lifetime and I'm going to jump in with both feet! The idea of totally immersing myself into another culture in another country just boggles my mind! That's right, it boggles my mind.

I may be jumping the gun with this whole blogger thing. I mean, I don't leave until mid-late January. That said though, my one wish is that I could take all of you with me...which brings me to this! I plan on keeping this nice little blog-journal thing while I'm on my adventure. This way you can practically experience the fun with me! Okay, maybe not so much, but at least it will lessen the distance between us.

Here's to adventures!

1 comment:

Erica said...

a goal = to live viacriously through your sweet sweet adventures and pictures!