Monday, August 27, 2007

Real quick!

The coolest thing ever...well, maybe not the coolest, but it's great nonetheless...

They have watermelon here in Taiwan. But not watermelon like we have in the states. It's gold. Like bright yellow instead red. I'm going to venture out on a limb and say that this "gold" watermelon tastes better than red watermelon by virtue of it being "gold"!!!

So good!


Erica said...

what a golden opportunity! =) alright, enough of the corny, cheesy jokes. were there the same amount of seeds?

Hollie said...

I hate to burst your bubble...but you've never seen a yellow watermelon here?

I might agree with you that they are a little sweeter...and also in the states. but probably a cousin or something to the taiwanese ones...

Thomas 24 said...

Count the seeds?