Friday, November 9, 2007


I got it. Finally, it's mine. My latest adventure in Taiwan: a scooter. The streets are choc-a-block full of 'em! With all the congestion and other vehicular traffic (buses and cars) scooters are the best way to get from point "Here" to point "There". I've driven a scooter once before in my life and that was in a much less crowded environment -- Bali, Indonesia. Now, many months later I'm sitting on my brand new used scooter and the feeling is something akin to not having road a bike for a long time and starting up again...only this time, the bike is motorized!

I bought her (the scooter) from one of my co-workers as he contract expired and he was on his way back to the States. Can you guess what color she is??? Well, under the years of horrible air pollution there's a cool dark silver. Hence the name, "Quicksilver"...also the parallel image to riding a scooter and riding a horse.

I haven't worked up driving in the teeming streets of Taipei yet, just cruising around Banqiao for now. Gotta jet, I'm going to a concert tonight!


Erica said...

ridin' quiksilver! keep working up your skills at home so you can teach me the tricks of the trade when we're in NZ!

Thomas 24 said...

Taiwan will never be the same! We want photos!

Erica said...

it's time that we hear more from snobby.

so...You've been tagged! Which means you get to list six interesting things about yourself. Then, tag six other people, leaving comments on their blogs so they know they've been tagged.

geez, why am i so superstitious?

Hollie said...

why am I so jealous? you are living my life goal. except my scooter will be red. I need a pic of you on your baby with that helmet. nice.

Thomas 24 said...

Chris - you must be taking a very long drive on your scooter - we're waiting for an update!