Thursday, January 10, 2008

New Year's Eve 101, pt 2

Sorry, as I finished my Christmas re-cap I realized that it really should be its own posting. Now, for New Year's Eve...

The city of Taipei was really hopping. If you were wanting for something to do that night all you had to do was head downtown to Taipei 101 (hereinafter referred to as "101").

Work ended, I headed over to Chinese class and at 9:30 met up with Joy and some other friends for a rooftop party. I'm sure we've all be to a rooftop party or at the very least partied on a roof somewhere. There was great food and great company to be had. To be honest, the roof was just a typical roof -- oh, except for the AWESOME view of 101!!! We were maybe 5 or 6 blocks from the building itself.

For those that don't know, Taipei 101 is currently the world's tallest building. (Aside: Taiwan really doesn't seem like the place to find the world's tallest/most anything) Yes, I've heard about the Dubai Tower, but that's not done yet so it doesn't count in my book.

So there we are on the roof looking at 101 all lit up. Suddenly, I realize I didn't have a watch and had no idea when to start the countdown! All concerns were allayed when 101 suddenly went dark and a countdown of lights running up the building clued us in.

Then at 00:00:01 1/1/2008 the biggest New Year's firework show I've seen went off. These pictures hardly does it justice...


Erica said...

holy toledo! that is amazing! it makes me wonder if that building is going to be around for much longer b/c it looks like they are blowing it up. ha no longer the tallest building! happy new years mister.

Hollie said...

so jealous. It looks amazing! New Year's in a foreign country always makes for a great story. :)

Erica said...

we, your readers, want and need more. write more.

joyful. said...
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joyful. said...

so here's a thought: why don't you stop sucking at life and post once in a while. can't you see the people back home want more?

constructively AND critically yours,
The GOOD Co-Teacher

Erica said...

amen to joy. the people have spoken.

joyful. said...

true. but for every a-hole thing he says, he counters it with something moderately redeeming.

he's like... tony stark? *DUNNN DUNNN DUN-DUN-DUN...*

Anonymous said...

Damu pa kmu to?.. Nano ni klase blog man?