Thursday, January 10, 2008

New Year's Eve 101, pt 1

Happy (belated) New Year!!! The new year (albeit for the Gregorian calendar, not the Chinese lunar one) celebration was HUGE here in Taipei.

Really quick, let me re-cap a Taiwanese Christmas:
It's a bit funny -- sad, perhaps too -- that Christmas came and went and there was barely a stir in the air. Christmas just isn't here. And with that neither is there a feeling of "Christmas spirit". It was weird...for me, Christmas didn't really happen this last year.

There were Santas and Christmas trees in the departments stores, but they were all cheap imitations of the real thing. I maybe saw that word "Christmas" written a few times around here and there. Most of the time it was, "X-mas". I loathe -- LOATHE -- that term. It doesn't convey anything that is or represents the holiday or what it means.

There were Christmas parties at friends' places and gift exchanges and in those brief moments the spirit of the season was felt. Still, all this amounted to one grand realization for me: Christmas (and the holidays) are founded in family and traditions, and supported by society. For me, I never want to spend Christmas without my family again. They -- all of them -- make the spirit come alive for me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ive read this topic for some blogs. But I think this is more informative.