Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The Opportunities we create with Q-TIPS

Hey all. I find myself in an interesting place in life. I'm on that cusp of being "Oh, you're still young" and "Wow, you better hurry up and figure out life." So we're all clear. I have life figured out. Well, as much as I am able to figure out life. There are many facets of life that I don't even dare to pretend to know anything about -- ie, Love, Women in general, the Federal Budget, etc. But as far as passions are concerned, I got it. At present my life is geared towards my passions and it's going very well.

I've noticed that when you (or I, for that matter) have a clear understanding of what your "greater passion" is the more opportunities you subconsciously create for yourself to achieve what it is you want. Let me go back for a second on the topic of your "greater passion"...

If you could wake up and do anything...ANYTHING for the rest of your life, money wasn't an issue, the only thing you had to worry about is whether you'd have fun doing whatever it is you chose your "anything" to be, what would you being doing? This ends up (most of the time) to be your passion. What makes it your Greater Passion is when you take it and turn it into your profession. There's the adage: "Make your passion your profession and you'll never work a day in your life." SO TRUE! Yes, some days will feel longer than others, but that's Time playing tricks on you. Sometimes the pursuit of the Greater Passion is long and arduous. As well it should be, nothing great and worthwhile was ever achieved in a short amount of time.

Sorry, I went on a bit of a digression there with the "greater passion" thing...But the point is this: I haven't reached my Greater Passion yet. I have a clear view of it and am moving steadily towards. This knowledge and my strong belief in my passion helps me to consciously and subconsciously create opportunities for myself to achieve my goal. Amazing what we can achieve...hello, we invented Q-TIPS, didn't we? Yeah...YEAH.


Erica said...

i find that the greatest passion is in obtaining our greater passions.

i'm sure that QTIPS were refined over and over again for the most ergonomic fit into our ears. i'm sure their motto included your reference to "nothing great and worthwhile was ever achieved in a short amount of time." Hallejuh for QTIPS (i used four this morning).

Thomas 24 said...

If I could wake up & do anything it certainly wouldn't be counting Q Tips!

Thomas 24 said...

The entire world is sitting on their hands waiting for another segment of "As the QTip Turns"

Radical Ryno said...

This is reminiscent of a speach I heard once. GOODY.