Friday, June 27, 2008

Letter to Myself

Dear Chris,

It's me. Well, it's you, but it's me, too...only older and in the future. Don't ask me how this works, just go with it. I'm (you're) 27 at the time this letter was written. I want to take a moment to look back and dispense some advice, give you a heads up, and generally prepare you for this, that or the other.

Pay attention in high school. History and English will be fine (you have Ms. Gude and Mr. Honick to thank for that), but you need to get your head out of your butt for Science, Math, and Language. Use Mr. McGeehe, he'll help you with Biology. The languages offered at Branson are Spanish, French, German, Latin, and Japanese. I took Spanish and did ok. I think you should take'll make you kind of a nerd for now, but in the long run, totally pays off! If you decide to stick with Spanish, definitely do the study abroad in Oaxaca and Spain your Sophomore and Junior years. As far as high school goes, don't worry so much about people liking you; you'll be fine. Oh, don't date Lindsay*, she'll only break your heart and you'll end up doing something stupid. Oh, and don't break up with Lindsay via e-mail...that was just immature and weak. I don't care how "new' the internet was at that point. Don't do it!

College. You'll have fun. Three Important Things: 1) Major in a language (Chinese, Japanese, or Italian) 2) Dual-Major in Political Science. 3) Study abroad!!! Other than that, everything played out pretty well. Lindsay will be your best friend that you never date. The other Lindsay will be your best friend that you do date...and you'll fall head over heels for her. You'll break up, but it's okay, this one turns out really great. There's another Lindsay that is neither your best friend or worth dating, but you date her anyways and it sucks the life out of your for many years. You'll know her when you see her. Run - don't walk - away from her!

If you've followed the basics of what's in my letter, post-college will be awesome. Listen to our parents. They know what's up and will help you in more ways than you can ever imagine. Dad is going to put you through this program called Eagle U. Don't fight it, just go and open your ears, mind, and heart. Through this program you'll meet some amazing people, including Lindsay. This Lindsay is pretty awesome and will give you one of the best gifts in the world -- Truth. I won't say more than that, but it's a great surprise.

Um, what else?? I think that's it for now. Oh right, one more thing. Look, Chris, I know you're a bit of a romantic and take things to heart pretty easily. Don't change that. I think it's pretty great. But just be ready for the fact that there will be people that will break your heart, and there will be those that put it back together again. Just keep in mind, for as many times your heart gets broken, you might be breaking someone else's, okay? Not that you can do anything about it, I'm just saying. Sometimes, you can get a little only-child-center-of-the-universe-type-of-thing going. That, you can do without. Don't worry though, your friend Lindsay will call you out on it more often than not.

Otherwise, have a great life! See you soon.

*Chris has never dated a Lindsay, this is a catch-all name to protect the identities of those girls he has dated whether it worked out or not.


joyful. said...

oh, i adore you.

joyful. said...

p.s. is that last lindsay me or someone else?


Erica said...

as promised i actually read your letter. insightful. interesting. intriguing. accurate. way to go snobby, you're catching on. =)