Saturday, June 7, 2008

The two sides...

It came back. I thought I had it under control. I thought that I had done everything right...or as right as I could manage. Sadly, no. With great fury, I had a migraine last night (Friday night). I almost can't remember when the last time was that I had one. For those of you that get them, you can understand and relate to the experience. For those that are blessed to not receive migraines here's a quick cap on what happens (to me):
-Slowly, yet steadily, pressure and pain of a piercing nature starts to build just above my left eye.
-The pain increases steadily for about an hour.
-As it climaxes it turns to a more stabbing sensation, yet the pain does not abate.
-I liken the feeling to a 6 inch nail being hammered into my head.
-At some point the pain becomes so excruciating that I expel whatever contents may be in my stomach out my mouth. If there are no contents in said stomach, then violent retching occurs.
-Happily, this exhausts my body to the point that I am able to pass out for a solid three hours.
-When I awake, pain is gone as if it never was and I'm made new again!

I shall try harder to control that grotesque and torturous beast that sleeps (for now) inside my head (just above my left eye...)

1 comment:

joyful. said...

i might start calling you wolf larsen. then all will fear you.

and in regards to the hep story, i think a term you like is "i think my bowels just dropped out of me." when you receive news like hep b, i can tell you that that's exactly what it feels like. until they tell you they misread the chart.